Schedule Update
Please remember that if a field is done early, please be at your fields ready to play if possible.
Thank you for understanding.
January 20, 2025 - 03:21am
We have the following remaining:
-- Future Stars Hats $20
-- Future Stars Player Jerseys $40 (2 pack)
-- Future Stars Coaches Jersey $20 (single jersey)
-- Future Stars Trading card binder $20
-- Future Stars Head band $10
-- Future Stars Ring $10
All items are first come first served. We will not hold items!
January 20, 2025 - 03:19am
Sunday Updates
Game Schedule:
Busy day today as we finish pool play for most divisions and proceed directly into bracket play. We will update the brackets as soon as possible. Keep checking your schedules throughout the day.
Skills Competitions:
You can pick up your awards in the registration area between 9 am - 3 pm TODAY.
Trading Cards:
If you ordered trading cards and have not picked them up yet, please pick them up TODAY in the registration room from 9am - 3pm
Future Stars Merchandise:
We will have the following for sale in the registration room for sale"
-- Future Stars Hats $20
-- Future Stars Player Jerseys $40 (2 pack)
-- Future Stars Coaches Jersey $20 (single jersey)
-- Future Stars Trading card binder $20
-- Future Stars Blankets $20
-- Future Stars Head band $10
-- Future Stars Ring $10
All items are first come first served. We will not hold items!
January 19, 2025 - 02:38am
Good Sunday morning!
As most are aware we are expecting some weather at the complex sometime today. We felt it necessary to go over some weather policies at the complex. We will play through some rain at the complex as the fields are turf and will remain playable.
Lighting: The complex has a lightning detector system. In the event of lightning, ONE (1) long horn will sound throughout the complex indicating there is lighting in the area and to seek shelter. If in the SC Stadium, spectators may go to the concourse and players and coaches may stay in the block dugouts. Spectators and players ANYWHERE else in the complex MUST RETURN to their vehicles during a lightning delay. DO NOT STAY IN THE QUAD or DUGOUTS IN THE QUADS! When the all clear is issued you will hear three (3) long blasts throughout the complex.
From experience if we are going to have a delay, I would suggest you take all your belongings to the vehicle when we go on delay. DO NOT LEAVE EQUIPMENT IN THE DOUGOUTS as it will get WET!
If you are in a game and we go on delay, go to your cars BUT DO NOT LEAVE THE PARKING LOT, once the all clear sounds we will resume asap.
We will communicate all future weather updates through the USSSA app!
January 19, 2025 - 02:14am
Player Trading Cards Reminder
If you ordered player trading cards, please pick them up TOMORROW in the Red Clubhouse (Registration Room) between 9am - 3 pm SUNDAY.
Thank you
January 18, 2025 - 11:25am
--Trading Card Update--
Great news! We were able to locate the missing boxes with the shipper. Chad drove to get them this morning.
Thank you for your patience.
January 18, 2025 - 03:49am
--Saturday January 18th--
What where when? A lot going on today!
Skills Competitions will take place today at the Space Coast Complex between 10:30 am - 2:30 pm. ALL PLAYERS MUST BE CHECKED IN BEFORE 2PM TO COMPETE. ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR SKILLS YOU CAN LEAVE. If in the event of a tie, we will contact the players to return.
All skills will be on the following fields:
Home Run Derby
8u - White DeMarini
9u/10u - White Marucci
11u/12u - Red Marucci
13u/15u - Red Easton
Golden Arm (All Ages)
Red Wilson
Road Runner (All Ages)
Red Rawlings
ALL SKILLS COMPETITION RESULTS WILL BE POSTED TODAY. Look for the push notification of winners. All awards will be available for pick up SUNDAY in the RED CLUBHOUSE (Registration area).
Map of Space Coast Complex: .
Missed today's email? View it at the following link:
January 18, 2025 - 02:02am
Roster Update - Winter Games
Tonight you probably received an email that your child was added to a roster for the Future Stars-Winter Games with a different manager from who you have been communicating with.
This was NOT AN ERROR. We understand that it might be a little confusing so we wanted to clear that up.
Your manager did NOT change. In our system, all individual events are created under one person for the state of Florida (Darrell Hannaseck). Because the teams are for individual events, it also allows your child to be on this roster and his current team, as well.
You do NOT need to approve your son or daughter on this roster. Also, by putting your player on the roster it will show on his USSSA profile and also allow us to track pitching online for the event.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Maria Hannaseck
Future Stars Staff
January 10, 2025 - 02:40pm
January 09, 2025 - 05:11am