Publix Park Belt Battle II (Belts & Rings)

  • Tournament Date
    Nov 23 - Nov 24 2024
  • Entry Fee
    $75 - $350

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Publix Sports Park 50 Chip Seal Pkwy, Panama City Beach, FL, 32407 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Publix Sports Park
50 Chip Seal Pkwy, Panama City Beach, FL, 32407

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Publix Sports Park 50 Chip Seal Pkwy, Panama City Beach, FL, 32407 Nov 23-24 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Publix Sports Park
50 Chip Seal Pkwy, Panama City Beach, FL, 32407
Nov 23-24

Event Updates

USSSA thanks you for playing in the Publix Park Belt Battle II. Congrats to all our MVP Winners , tournament  champions and finalists. We have posted photos of all champion , finalist , and MVP winners  that have been sent so far on our socials below.   If you haven't sent yours in yet feel free to do so and we will add them for you.   https://www.instagram.com/usssasports?igsh=MW95cDR2Znd3M25yNg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr https://www.facebook.com/usssasports?mibextid=ibOpuV Santa Slam is Dec 7-8 in Ft Walton Beach. Don't miss your opportunity to win a special themed ring. Check out the Spring schedules posted and let's talk about where you want to travel this year ! Our office is here to help you plan. we have events in not just florida , but also Tennessee, Georgia , West Virginia and Texas. Where can baseball take you this spring or summer. Thank you for playing USSSA and we wish everyone a happy and safe thanksgiving.
November 24, 2024 - 10:00pm
If you noticed the cameras, and a local sports reporter at the park this morning, you weren't crazy. Check out Channel 7 today/tonight with weekend sports anchor Hayden Smith, as he talks baseball, beaches, and USSSA.
November 23, 2024 - 12:46pm
good morning. We have had a lot of requests for the info to watch the cameras on the fields here at Publix park. https://www.playpanamacitybeach.com/publix-sports-park/streaming/ This address can be shared with friends and family that if you are not streaming the games yourself this is an excellent option to keep folks tuned in this weekend.
November 23, 2024 - 11:30am
Good afternoon sports fans! This is the event everyone has been waiting for! We are excited for this weekend, and look forward to seeing all our Champions, Finalists , and MVP winners on social media! Gate fee for the weekend will be $15 per person per day, or $25 for the weekend pass. children 12 and under are free The weekend pass is only available on Saturday. PLEASE wear your bands on your wrist. Coaches check in will be at the front ticket window, not at the gate. The all turf complex does not allow: Metal cleats seeds of any kind shells products of any kind scooters, bikes, and skateboards pets unruly guests Rawlings/Easton will have its mobile hit lab set up, and has a fully stocked store of bats, gloves, and other items.  if you need anything baseball related you will want to see them, and you will get our USSSA discount. Don't forget to stream live or upload your game video this weekend for your games on our app to allow your players to have their video clips added to their profile page. We also want to remind everyone that vulgar language, yelling derogatory comments, and or causing a disturbance is not acceptable under any circumstance, and  will be immediate grounds for removal from the event.  Any spectator that is asked to leave will require us to remove the head coach as well from the complex. Now with all that out the way , let's play some baseball!! have a great rest of your evening and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow any questions please reach out
November 22, 2024 - 04:47pm
Good Morning The USSSA App and tech team has given our group the green light to process game videos from ALL teams this weekend for player profiles content. These individual video clips of ALL players batting, pitching etc.... will be added to each players profile once processed.   These clips will have velocity when pitching, as well as other forms of measurement that the team is implementing daily. These clips will stay with each players profile, and can be viewed anytime. The USSSA App not only allows you to score these games, but also stream live all games you play with USSSA.  Whether you stream the games live, or  upload your game video afterward to the app. We then  submit for processing , and separate each clip, as well as measuring the metrics. Each team is allowed one official scorer, who can also upload and or stream the game video. To become the official scorer one person on the team will request access through the app for your team. This request is sent to your team or organizations manager for them to approve.  once thats done you are ready to roll, it's that simple. There is ZERO cost for any of this and is a feature that was created for exactly this reason. As our team increases the capacity of the system, we will eventually have metrics for other things like the speed a player runs, velocity of ball off the bat, time from home to first and much much more. Whats more exciting is you as a team get to ensure that each and every game has this video representation that once uploaded creates individual player content that once processed  is immedi
November 20, 2024 - 10:26am


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:

Southeast Region Baseball

[email protected]



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